JR presents to you guys his newest updates, add-ons and applications of his most beloved blog.
Here you go:


As JR celebrates the 3rd Year of JR Late Night Blogs on May 2011 and its 3rd Year Re-Anniversary on September 2011, JR presents a new blog header logo. The blog header logo comprises of the large moon representing the late night theme of the blog. The blog header logo also comprises of the same "latenight-fonted" title of the JR Late Night Blogs. The interior parts of the title has the previous blue color from the previous theme which is a reminiscent of the previous blog logo. JR Late Night Blogs header logo is now with a dark blue color unlike the previous simple blue color. Also, since JR is not just part of the world blogging community but also the Philippine blogging community, JR is placing a simple map of the Philippines at the rightmost part of the header logo. The Philippine Map is placed in the logo with a globe that has a moon below it. And also, JR has placed an "All Rights Reserved" reminder below the title to remind everyone of the rights the blog has. Finally, there is the smiling avatar of JR at the bottom right part of the logo.

JR is truly inspired with the different theme music of every TV show he watches. For this year, JR used the Conan theme music from the TBS TV Show Conan. Now, for next year, JR will use the theme music of the NBC TV Show Minute to Win It, one of JR's Favorite Game Shows.

This is the complete list of 2011's Blog Events:
January 2011 - JR Celebrity 30 Month
JR will publish the yearly Top 20 Most Popular, Most Influential, Most Controversial and Most Powerful Pinoy Celebrities and the yearly Top 30 Most Popular, Most Influential, Most Controversial and Most Powerful Celebrities.
February 2011 - JR Top 40 Buddies of the Year
JR gives special tribute to his Top 40 Buddies for the previous year.
March 2011 - Start of the Heat in JR Late Night Blogs
JR gives a little warning to every blogger since JR Late Night Blogs is going over the limit and going over boundaries. Parental Advisory is advised.
April 2011 - JR's Very Short Update the Blogs Month
JR updates the Top 10 Pinoy Celebrities, Top 15 Celebrities, Top 20 Buddies, TV Show Review, Video Game Review, Monthly Top 10 Songs and Movie Review in just one week of April.
May 2011 - ***JR Late Night Annual Summer Blog Rest***
JR enjoys just one month of blog rest since it is the only time when summer comes by every year.
June 2011 - JR's Re: Blog Month
JR "reblogs" archive blogs in JR Late Night Blogs. The power of history is still a nice way to commemorate the published blogs of the past in JR Late Night Blogs.
July 2011 - JR Google It Blog It
JR gives a special tribute to Google this month. JR will have special blogs about Google which also includes a huge revamping of JR Late Night Blogs
August 2011 - JR 2nd Annual Last Chance Month
Last Chance Month is the only month where any below ranking personality gets a huge chance to get to a higher rank since all Top 5-10 Members of the Top 10 Pinoy Celebrities, Top 15 Celebrities and Top 20 Buddies will be eliminated temporarily on the list.
September 2011 - JR 3rd Year Anniversary Month
JR commemorates the 3rd Year Anniversary of JR Late Night Blogs this month.
October 2011 - JR Late Night SAW Halloween
JR pays tribute to the Most Successful Horror Franchise in History in JR Late Night Blogs in the yearly Halloween Blog Special.
November 2011 - JR Late Night Hall of Fame Month
It is a time to give recognition to the past Featured Friends because of their incredible achievement in terms of their own blog in JR Late Night Blogs.
December 2011 - JR Year End Bang Month
JR finally updates his yearly Movie Recaps, Top 20 Music Videos of the Year, Top 20 Movies of the Year and the Featured Friends of the Month.

Starting next year, JR Late Night Blogs will follow the blog posting specified:
Optional Blogs/No Blog - Every First Day of the Month
Pinoy Top 10 Celebrities - Every First Sunday of the Month
Top 15 Celebrities of the Month - Every Second Sunday of the Month
(except for the Official Yearly Celebrity List; the Top 20 Pinoy Celebrities List will still be posted every first Sunday of the month while the Top 30 Celebrities List will be posted every last Sunday of the month)
Top Buddies of the Month - Every Third Sunday of the Month
(except for the Official Yearly Top Buddies List; the Top 40 Buddies of the Year will be posted on the first Sunday of the Month to accommodate another Top 20 Buddies List within that month)
JR's Featured Friend of the Month - Every Last Sunday of the Month
(except for the JR's Official Featured Friend of the Year; that blog will be posted every January 1 of the next year at 12:00AM)
JR's WWE Superstar of the Month - Every First Saturdays of the Month
JR's Monthly Top 10 Songs (new blog) - Every Second Saturdays of the Month
JR's TV Show Review - Every Third Saturdays of the Month
JR's Video Game Review - Every Fourth Saturdays of the Month
JR's Weekly Movie Reviews - Every Thursdays of the Month
JR's Weekly Movie Reviews - Every Thursdays of the Month
JR's Featured Photos of the Week - Every Mondays of the Month
JR's Featured Video of the Week - Every Wednesdays of the Month
JR's Featured Friend of the Week - Every Tuesdays and Fridays of the Month
JR's Top 10 Lists - Any random day of the Month
JR's Blog Schedules - At any applicable day of the Month
JR's Featured Video of the Week - Every Wednesdays of the Month
JR's Featured Friend of the Week - Every Tuesdays and Fridays of the Month
JR's Top 10 Lists - Any random day of the Month
JR's Blog Schedules - At any applicable day of the Month

1. MOVIE REVIEWS - Newest Blog Page that will incorporate a lot more movie review blogs.
2. BLOG UPDATES - JR Late Night Blog Updates is much more pleasing to the eye with its new blog bullets.
3. FEATURED FRIENDS - JR Late Night Featured Friends of the Year has a new tabular look. JR's Featured Friends of the Month and of the Week Archive is much more simplified with smaller amount of dividers.
4. JR CELEBRITY LISTS ARCHIVE and JR PINOY CELEBRITY LISTS ARCHIVE - The Celebrity Lists Archive is now with a table of the latest Top 4 Celebrities of the Previous Year. It is also enhanced with a new divider that will make the archive page much more convenient and comfortable to use. JR also incorporated a picture of the Top 1 Celebrity of each year.
5. BLOG SCHEDULES - The blog schedules page will have an advanced preview of the upcoming schedule of the next month. The Blog Schedule of the following month will be placed in the Blog Schedules Page in a holiday of the current month.

1. JR's Movie Review Blog will now become a weekly blog. In exchange for the monthly JR's Movie Review will be JR's Monthly Top 10 Songs.
2. JR's Top Buddies will now recognize the Top 21 Buddy in the publishing of the blog. However, the name will still be the same: JR's Top 20 Buddies of the Month.
3. JR's Movie Reviews, JR's TV Show Reviews, and JR's Video Game Reviews will have the new Hashtag Hyperlinks. These Hashtag Hyperlinks are links that will direct you guys to any part of the blog on the same tab. This will be for much more convenience especially for those blog viewers who are on mobile or are using the mouse without the wheel.
4. JR's Featured Friend of the Week will be much more simplified. JR has removed the Images part of the blog as well as special status or application updates of the featured friend. JR will just incorporate the simple About Me profile with the Favorites of that person. This is in line with the new Content Policy of Blogger.
5. JR's Featured Photos of the Week will now use the Picture Slideshow in cases of special blog events (like for this month; we are commemorating some of the Top Movies of the Year in JR's Featured Photos of the Week)
6. JR's Featured Videos of the Week will be in High-Definition next year.

1. JR's Monthly Top 10 Songs
2. JR's Special Top 10 List
3. JR's Entertainment Top 10 List
4. JR's Personal Top 10 List
5. JR's In Depth of a Previous Blog Special
6. JR's Slow Jam the Blog

And these are the newest news and updates coming up on JR Late Night Blogs on the Year 2011, do not just expect that these are the only updates next year but expect that JR will have new updates in his blog next year.
Let us remember, that you guys must benefit from our blogs. So, JR makes it a point to at least make JR Late Night Blogs with the SPEED and CONVENIENCE power.
--JR Late Night Yearly Updates
December 30 2010 (1AM)