Year of Release: 2018
Date Watched: 09 March 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Rosales)
JR's Rating:
(10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
Date Watched: 09 March 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Rosales)
JR's Rating:

"They Lived Happily Ever After..."
➕ The Amphibian
➕ Elisa ➕ The Sex Between Woman and Fish ➕ Use of Minority Characters ➕ 1962 Baltimore Setting ➕ The Highly Aesthetic Ending ➕ Aesthetics and Style by del Torro ➕ Use of Classic Music, TV and Film |
Astounding from start to finish, The Shape of Water explores a unique fairy tale / love story masterfully concepted by Guillermo del Torro on film. The Shape of Water never failed in it's distinction as the Best Picture in the 2018 Academy Awards. Upon the government holding captive a creature that is worshipped as a god in South America, Elisa, a mute orphan who works as a janitress in the military facility, becomes fascinated with the captive being, developing a connection with it unlike no other. Elisa soon is challenged to escape the creature from the facility in order to save it from possible experimentation and thereby death from it's captors. The beauty of the film relies heavily on its unique story and its two main characters. The creature in this film is just a masterwork, a beauty in what is perceived to be as a beast by the antagonists. I can't help but feel awe when the creature lights itself and even show its healing capabilities. The story is so unique, an ode indeed to the many fairy tales that we come to see as kids. Take caution though as some sensitive scenes are in this film but are definitely necessary. The movie almost had a tragic ending but fairy tales indeed should always have hope and a happy ever after ending. It's one of the most aesthetic endings I have seen in film. One notable thing about this movie also are its use of minorites to expose a propaganda on the harrased and unfair treatment of them within the society. It's what I think the most obvious moral of this film that Del Torro wants to convey. Del Torro's story complemented by his direction and aesthetics is just wonderful. The Shape of Water is a future classic deserving a chance to be seen by everyone and for generations and generations to come.
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Imp Awards
Time Published: 17 March 2018 (8:00 PM)