Year of Release: 2018
Date Watched: 28 April 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Baguio)
JR's Rating:
(9.5 out of 10, Excellent)
Date Watched: 28 April 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Baguio)
JR's Rating:

"Thanos Wins and Deserves A Thunderous Applause"
➕ Thanos
➕ Heartbreaking Ending ➕ Battle in Wakanda ➕ Thor and His Stormbreaker ➕ Soul Stone in Vormir ➕ Punchlines that Work ➕ The Infinity Gauntlet ➕ Too Many Surprises |
➖CGI Mishaps
➖Some Unanswered Details |
It has been 10 years in the making and Marvel did not disappoint on bringing the journey of Thanos towards collecting all the Infinity Stones. Yes, the Infinity Stones including the Soul Stone has finally been uncovered in Avengers: Infinity War. While the Infinity War has seemingly concluded, the movie demands us to see the Avengers movie slated next year to give fruition on what transpired to those heroes that got lost in the end. It's true that a lot of heroes (and a popular villain) get to die during the war but I just can't help but root for Thanos who was truly the most amazing asset. Being both vengeful and emotional towards his daughter Gamora, Thanos makes the best recipe for a villain in a superhero movie. He is indeed a titan that is just so powerful and somewhat impossible to beat. The movie is action-packed, most especially the battle done at Wakanda, and exciting with the too many surprises, like Cap's appearance, that the audience can't just prevent to roar with applause but the movie never fails to punch you with tears at some of the most emotional scenes in superhero history like the sacrifice of Gamora at Vormir and the goodbye of Spider-Man to Iron Man. One notable scene I got to mention is Thor's mighty stormbreaker creation, reveal and use confirming my statement from my review of Thor: Ragnarok that indeed he is the strongest Avenger after all. There are some CGI mishaps in this film like Bruce Banner awkwardly placed at the large Iron Man suit and inconsistencies of the appearance with Thanos but my criticism would have to be some missing key plotholes like "Who is Thanos?", "How did his want to collect the Infinity Stones start?" and most importantly, "How did Thanos get the Power Stone and the Reality Stone?" (we just get to see it already at his gauntlet). All-in-all, the movie done great with the story and acting by an ensemble cast complemented by the script with effective punchlines that really goes well with the flow of the movie. The movie is worth the hype but much anticipation is on the next movie due to how the movie ended and I do hope that it's the best culmination of all the Marvel movies been made thus far. Marvel fans definitely have to watch this before watching the fourth Avengers film.
#Marvel #Avengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Time Published: 29 April 2018 (8:00 PM)