Year of Release: 2019
JR's Rating:
(10 out of 10, Outstanding)
JR's Rating:

"Epic In The Grandest Proportions"
A rare moment like this is an achievement in cinema. When everyone just have to see and cheer their favorite avenger for what is probably the final time, “Avengers: Endgame” just has to be celebrated. Box office and hype aside, “Avengers: Endgame” utilizes CGI at its finest while also creating its own unique story and identity based from the iconic Infinity Gauntlet saga. “Avengers: Endgame” is the best the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to offer. With such ambitious scale, my worry though is with the lack of the six iconic heroes on their future flicks, such feat by “Avengers: Endgame” might be hard to follow and even replicated. It is an experience you should not let go until it is still screening at your local cinema. You just have to be crazed to be part of the Endgame journey.
It’s been 10 years since we first saw Nick Fury initiate the Avenger Initiative through Iron Man. Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Hulk would be the first of the many that would be now known as the “Avenger.” They crossed paths with numerous villains and superheroes in an attempt to collect, hide, and protect the six Infinity Stones from being used for evil intent. Then came the mad titan Thanos creating his own version of saving the universe by snapping out half of all living creatures during the Infinity War. Now, the first six Avengers, filled with vengeance from devastation and trauma, make retribution to the fallen through the help of those who survived the snap by exploring the idea of time travel whilst reminiscing their past. Everything comes in full circle as they have that shot at the 1/14,000,605 chance to win not without a few sacrifices along the way. What an amazing way to give closure to the story arcs we have followed for years. Going to the past is also a trip to memory lane.