2011 is a year of new heights and discoveries. For the first time in JR's life, JR is joining this International Schools Cyberfair.... But in JR Late Night Blogs, it is now the time for another
Slow Jam The News ;)
Slow Jam Topic: JR's Philippine and International Schools Cyberfair Experience
Unforgettable Moment #1:
Having been agreed upon by our class that we will join the Cyberfair competition, it is a must to think our category and a topic for that category. During that particular day, me and my groupmates were really thinking so hard on what we should be taking as our topic. But in just a matter of 1 minute, we already fastened our seatbelts and grabbed the Historical Landmarks category. (By the way, the reason for our fast deciding, it is because the categories for grabs are on a first grab all yours agreement.) The hard part was our deciding for the topic. At first, we chose Burnham Park as our topic since lurking in our minds is our sweet and memorable memories with this particular place. Upon submission of this topic, our teacher said "No, think of another topic." So, again we taught of another topic. And with God's guidance, another topic brought upon our minds; that was Session Road. The mother road of all the roads in our city. The road with a lot of stories to tell. The road where we always pass through in order to reach specific places. But, again, upon our submission of this topic, "pughsk", declined again. The third topic we taught about was the Loakan Road for it was really a scary place which might also have a very colorful history. However, we were faced with this particular question, "What if sir would decline for the third time with our topic?". So, our group just decided on a place where we had some memorable memories, a place where its has a lot of stories to tell, and a place where people are scared to go. And, voila, we had Diplomat Hotel as our topic.

Unforgettable Moment #2:
After that gruesome topic thinking, we were given the chance to meet our groupmates when the lunch break began. Our voices was heard by God when our groupmates are the people whom we really want to be grouped with in that particular other class. We were very lucky to have groupmates which we believe are trustworthy, hardworking, and resourceful. Oh, we really leaped up high to the sky upon knowing this.
Unforgettable Moment #3:
Woah, this was our first task on putting up our entry, the website design. Our group (3Science) and their group (3A) were given task to make our individual site designs and collate them up in our free period. The design we planned for our website was based from the WWE website which comprised of the logo, a simple menu bar with drop-down boxes upon mouse pointing at it, a special sidebar on related websites with our topic, a picture and video slideshow at the middle, links to our interviews, trivias about our topic in a small box, a simple login with Yahoo Google and Facebook, a box on the link of our blogs, and finally a project narrative view below it. (Well, it is hard to imagine it but I will try to put up an image here in my blog if ever I have time :) ). Our groupmates from the other section planned on having a plain and simple site with a simple logo, a menu list beside it, a menu bar below it, and the text below that bar. The funny thing here is that we only agreed on one thing to place first in our site, the loading / progress time of our site that will be shown upon opening our site.