Date Watched: 08 October 2017
JR's Rating:
(10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
JR's Rating:

"Artificially Intelligent 2.0"
➕ Los Angeles with Flying Cars
➕ Product Placements ➕ Holograms of Elvis & Marilyn ➕ Memory Viewing and Placement ➕ Ryan Gosling, The Blade Runner ➕ Joi, The Hologram Woman |
"Dying for the right thing is the most human thing we can do." The most powerful statement I heard in a movie in recent memory. Too good to hear it even in a Sci-Fi movie. Blade Runner 2049 brings us to a futuristic California where obsolete replicants (human replications) are killed for good as new and technologically-advanced replicants are being made for utility. Upon Agent K's disposal of a replicant, he soon gets involved in the investigation of reproduction in replicants which was initially thought to be impossible, a method which the corporation making replicants research hard to be made possible. The movie is so aesthetically achieved, that it's the alternative eye candy movie involving yet again Ryan Gosling after his La La Land stint. Set in a highly industrialized and commercialized Los Angeles, the movie banks on outstanding effects in presenting technologies which may soon be possible in reality. Love is highly advertised and can now be bought in digital yet responsive form such visible through the A.I. Joi. Memory placements in replicants and three-dimensional viewing of memories are made possible through a laboratory. The film also makes good use of product placements, with the futuristically designed Black Label Whiskey grabbing the cake. Other than a futuristic Los Angeles, the abandoned Las Vegas is yet another thing to look forward most especially the part where we see a holographic reference to Marilyn dancing and Elvis singing to "Can't Help Falling In Love." The aesthetics are really amazing but the story in itself is another thing, which for me is morally and ethically worth discussing. The story which already utilizes a strong reference prequel is made the more anticipating yet understandable and straightforward. The story and aesthetics seem to compliment each other, with yet no fillers really that are unessential for the progress of the movie. In such a futuristic world, it seems technology is more human than we are. Blade Runner 2049 is really worth the watch.
#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Birth. Movies. Death.
Time Published: 09 October 2017 (9:00 PM)
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