Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 01 February 2018
JR's Rating:
(9.4 out of 10, Awesome)
Date Watched: 01 February 2018
JR's Rating:

"A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino"
➕ The Marasigan House
➕ Anticipation Over The Portrait ➕ Paula and Candida ➕ The Ensemble Cast ➕ Presentation of Filipino Culture ➕ Musical Numbers |
➖ Long Waiting Scenes
Ang Larawan won Best Picture in the 2017 Metro Manila Film Festival; but did it live up to the hype and expectations? Ang Larawan is the film adaptation of the play by National Artist Nick Joaquin which revolves around an artist's portrait that attracted curiosity around town. With a family struggling to cope with the many atrocities of life, the Marasigan sisters (Paula and Candida) is faced with the dilemma of having their own peace of mind. The question is, will they sell the painting or keep the painting. The answer remains an amazing plot twist that would leave you shocked even after leaving the cinema. The Marasigan sisters, Candida and Paula, are triumphantly played by Joanna Ampil (MMFF 2017 Best Actress) and Rachel Alejandro respectively. With an ensemble of veteran actors and actresses, the acting in this film together with their numerous musical sequences doesn't disappoint. The movie also has an outstanding production design, most especially the Marasigan household which remains loyal to the traditional Filipino bungalow and the time at which the film was set. The house which keeps the painting is a masterset in its own right. The painting remains the sole mystery, on how it looks like and why people are clamoring to see or even own it. The only issue I had with such an outstanding film are the scenes which makes you wait too long for what's next to happen. Such are a waste of precious time to the average cinema viewer. Everything else in the film Ang Larawan has been well taught, designed, and presented. Too bad only a few Filipinos got to see such film that is directed to our rich culture and history. Up to this day, I wonder what that portrait, blurrily presented in a short moment, really looks like.
#AngLarawan #MetroManilaFilmFestival #MMFF #MMFF2017
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Random Republika
Time Published: 15 February 2018 (8:00 PM)
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