Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 04 November 2017
JR's Rating:
(7.0 out of 10, Alright)
Date Watched: 04 November 2017
JR's Rating:

"Jigsaw Lives"
➕ John Kramer Returns (or does he?)
➕ 10 Years Ago Twist ➕ Motorcycle Spiral Trap ➕ Silo Sand Trap ➕ Good Way to Reestablish Franchise |
➖ Inconsistent & Forced with Saw Timeline
➖ Hanging Trap ➖ Frustrating Victims |
People who knows me really understands my love for the SAW movie franchise. This year's Jigsaw may be the hope of new life fans have been looking for from the almost dead decade-long horror franchise. Jigsaw is set ten years after Jigsaw's death where his traps are set to life once again to a new generation of its flawed victims. Five people are set in a grizly and horrific decision between life and death. The big question however is, is Jigsaw still alive or another copycat is on the lose? The answer: Jigsaw lives. Re-establishing itself with a new villain with a connection to the Jigsaw killer himself, John Kramer, Jigsaw's legacy continues with a brand new perpetuator set to let others experience Jigsaw's own brand of justice. Such individuals tested on this film are those being favored by a flawed justice system. Is it me or is it the film out of the Saw timeline. While the new film does effectively with its new traps such as the Spiral and Silo Traps, it seems to me that the story is far off from the original 7 sequels forcing itself way into the franchise to form a link with the original. Nevertheless, this film provides an avenue to reestablish the franchise with a new "Jigsaw" set to test individuals for future movies. It's really a good idea to bank on a new title for possible sequels to provide due respect for the original which may not anymore link with the "Saw" continuity. The movie's victims are for me lacking of background as how I perceived the old movies of the franchise thereby lacking that sense of empathy or anger to each of Jigsaw's victims now. All-in-all, Jigsaw is an okay movie, worth the watch to any Saw fanatic, not worth the watch for those who don't have a background about the Jigsaw killer. The truth will set you free.
#Jigsaw #Horror
#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: JoBlo Movie Network
Time Published: 05 November 2017 (9:00 PM)
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