Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 26 November 2017
JR's Rating:
(10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
Date Watched: 26 November 2017
JR's Rating:

"Never Forget The Dead"
➕ Mama Coco
➕ Miguel's Charisma ➕ The Land of the Dead ➕ Spirit Animals ➕ Use of Mexican Culture ➕ Plot Twist Villain ➕ Traditional Family Values |
Pixar did it again with another masterclass in animation. About a young boy's pursuit of his dream to be a musician while being withheld by his family's ban on music, Coco is one of the best films to have stood out in this year's blockbuster lineup. With effective use of Mexican culture and family values, Coco easily relates to your most conventional and traditional extended family with the strictest norms and morals. Coco is actually the name of Miguel's grandmother who is key to the remembrance of a long forgotten family member who was actually the cause of the family's dislike of music. This film's best asset is its presentation of a highly detailed Lola Coco complete with those wrinkles and white hair reminiscent of our lola's in the provinces. The Land of the Dead is damn amazing, providing an interpretation of life after death in the most creative and most unique manner. While the Land of the Dead and its inhabitants are strikingly beautiful, the spirit animals made the experience more memorable as their individual distinguished appearances are so ambitiously done. The story in itself is highly stylized in a way I felt goosebumps every time I got hit by so familiar situations faced in my own Filipino family. The movie is so unpredictable in many ways as many of my predictions and speculations turned out differently in the film. Until today, my astonishment with Coco remains. Bursting with effective use of aesthetics all throughout, not to mention the amazing music accompanying the movie, Coco is an eye- (and ear-) candy and eye-opener movie to its openly dedicated audience. The cinema I've been was actually full of young kids accompanied by their parents, all amazed at the story and visuals the movie presented. Coco is a highly-recommended film, regardless of what your personal beliefs are. It stands as one of the best and most improved (and in fact, the most human out of all) animated films by Pixar, a true testament to how far animation had been.
#Coco #Pixar
#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Imp Awards
Time Published: 27 November 2017 (9:00 PM)
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