Year of Release: 2018
Date Watched: 28 June 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Sta. Mesa)
JR's Rating:
(9.9 out of 10, Excellent)
Date Watched: 28 June 2018 (at SM Cinemas - Sta. Mesa)
JR's Rating:

"Disturbing and Damn Scary Indeed"
➕ Charlie (and Her Decapitation)
➕ Gruesome Demonic Ending ➕ The Miniatures ➕ Dinner Table Monologue ➕ Toni Collette as Annie ➕ Too Much Scary Twists |
Not all horror films bank on jumpscares to keep you out of sleep. Hereditary scares the crap out of you by telling a tale so horrific that it doesn't need any ghost or monster appearance to be that damn terrifying. Hereditary explores the psychological transition of a family after having to deal with the death of a grandmother then eventually their one and only daughter. Unbeknown to the family, their grandma had already made a pack with the devil Paimon to have him a male host to possess which then happens to be their one and only son, Peter. Many films before like Rosemary's Baby, Get Out, and The Silence of the Lambs never made use of any ghost but rather told a psychologically scarring story that remains scary from the time you watch the movie up to this very day you are conscious and breathing. Hereditary just does that and doesn't holdback on its distinction as the scariest movie of the year (before Suspiria and Halloween). Each and every intricate scene has that spooky and disturbing vibe. From the tree house where Charlie sleeps to the miniatures made by Annie, I can't help but feel uneasy with what it is to unfold at the movie's ending. The movie has an amazing set of actors but the one who played Annie, Toni Collette, was definitely splendid and deserving of an ovation. Her dinner table monologue is one of the many that exemplified my amazement with her. Charlie's decapitation was gruesome but you have to finish the entire movie to see an ending that is so disturbing you wouldn't want to see it again but remarkable you'll have to include it as one of the best endings in horror. I have to say this film is one of the best and scariest horror films of this modern age.
#Hereditary #Horror
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Bloody Disgusting
Time Published: 05 July 2018 (8:00 PM)
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