"The Closest Pixar Came To Home"
Bao is a short film shown right before the movie Incredibles 2.
A mother's love for her children is never a joke. Carrying a child in her womb for a couple of months, add up the cooking skills she equipped herself and the hardwork she gave in raising him or her up are just a few manifestations of a mother's greatest and most sacrificial love for someone other than herself. If you're living in a typical Filipino family whose sense of closeness and protectiveness is unjustified vocally but consciously understandable, then you're in such a treat after watching this short film. Our mothers have been so sensitive and delicate to us on our being in shape and perfection, a beauty to her eyes. A mother's giving up to her child as he or she starts to have a world of his or her own is the hardest she can endure (harder than giving birth probably) because of the uncomputable amount of patience and understanding she had to give other than that painful labor she had to go through. Reality is separation is just part of life's complete cycle. And a mother, despite the pain, will just have to support her child on her dreams and success in life. Bao exemplifies just that by using a dumpling, a dumpling created with utmost care and made to endure the harshest of conditions but eventually as time pass by, that same dumpling will have to go away from the maker to someone who it's meant for (probably to be eaten). Going to the other end of the spectrum, being raised up to existence by our very own mother's, regardless of culture or beliefs, a children's sense of giving back through finances but better in presence may be voluntary but the most meaningful way of giving thanks and showing appreciation for every thing she has done. Every minute, hour or day we get to talk or bond with our mothers (or parents) is just priceless and can never be equated with anything in this world; as a mother's world is definitely her children. Bao made me value my mother again despite my rebellious nature to her overprotectiveness. This has been the closest Pixar came to my home, my family.
If I were to score this short film, I'll give it a

#Bao #Pixar #PixarShorts
#ShortFilmReviews #JRShortFilmReviews
Image Reference: Spoon University
Time Published: 08 July 2018 (08:00 PM)
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