26 January 2018

JR's Movie Reviews - MR. AND MRS. CRUZ

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Mr. and Mrs. Cruz
Year of Release: 2018
Date Watched: 25 January 2018
JR's Rating:  (9.4 out of 10, Excellent)
"Not Married, Just The Same Last Name"

➕ Seriously, ALL DIALOGUES
➕ The Beautiful Island of Palawan
➕ Super Painful Ending
➕ "Seaside Resto Bar" Scene
➕ "Waiting At The Airport" Scene
➕ "Puerto Prinsesa Subterranean River" Scene
➖ Gut-Churning Vomit Scene

Mr. and Mrs. Cruz invests so much on their characters' dialogues that it remains the best feature of the film. In fact, it is a masterclass in movie dialogue. Mr. Rafael Cruz and Mrs. Angela Cruz, just related by their common last names (not married), are on a vacation to Palawan to relieve all pain and stress caused by their failed relationships. Mr. and Mrs. Cruz come to meet each other unexpectedly to engage themselves with conversations about anything under the sun, all of which creating a bond that would make you assume they are a couple (usapang mag-asawa) but in the end, they almost did. I'm just in awe by how amazing the dialogue between or among Raffy and Gela was throughout the duration of the movie. The most notable ones include their argument about marriage before setting foot in their hotel and another where they discuss their own individual relationships at a resto bar where they drink Tequila like there's no tomorrow. Set in the most beautiful island of Palawan, the movie made me experience the majestic Underground River in the most poetic of ways. The movie made me want to go there, wish and raise my thumbs hoping for a love story that almost looks like the couple in the movie. I hated the movie for how they made me want Raffy and Gela to end up with each other but just failed me by the most unexpected saddest separation ways ever (but that's a good thing, I love films with unexpected sad endings). The movie started on an astounding note by showing a scene that happened midway in the story. It continues very well on a phone call scene at the airport where it seems that they are talking to one another. I seem to compare this movie with the story of Siargao but Mr. and Mrs. Cruz still manage to rely more on what's going on inside the minds of the characters than what's happening between them. The scene involving Gela's vomiting was, however, gut-churning and seems for me would have been better out of the film. All-in-all, the film is almost a masterpiece that I really rooted and anticipated all dialogues between the main characters. Rare do I find a film that all its dialogues are amazing and where an ending makes me feel so sad and hurt even outside the movie theater. I bet the last two missing numbers in Gela's cellphone number is the page number where Gela placed half of their photo of Raffy together.

#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Facebook Page

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 26 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

24 January 2018


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Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes
Year of Release: 2018
Date Watched: 22 January 2018
JR's Rating:  (8.0 out of 10, Awesome)
"If It Happens, I Might Do The Same Thing As Lianne's and Cindy's"

➕ Judy Ann Santos
➕ Angelica Panganiban
➕ Colorful Opening Title Sequence
➕ "Ma Mon Luk" and "Gay Bar" Scene
➕ Too Many Quotable Hugots & Jokes
➕ Strong Character Arguments
➕ English Translation Subtitles
➖ Some Flat Points in the Middle
➖ Weak Ending
➖ Believe Me, Moving On Is Not That Easy

With a premise that is fit for a comedy flick, Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes is full of moments that are worth your uncontrollable laughter. With Judy Ann and Angelica's superb veteran acting into effect, their "bestie" chemistry is one of the best I've seen so far on my engagement with Philippine cinema. Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes explores the struggle of Mrs. Lianne Reyes (Judy Ann) and Mrs. Cindy Reyes (Angelica) after they were left by their husbands, Gary Reyes (Joross) and Felix Reyes (JC), who both plan to be married on their own. Both Gary and Felix bid their coming out and farewells in the most disastrous of ways that such would lead further to disastrous scenes that are very much comedic and hugot-churning. Jun Robles Lana is known for his masterpiece "Die Beautiful" which still remains my favorite and even pick as the best Filipino film of all time (prompting my creation of my best Filipino films every year). This film of his, though, embodies his own trademark vision of colorful and masterful setpieces that are just eye candy to the viewer. The opening title sequence is just astounding that I felt goosebumps watching those rainbow colors complementing their credits towards their cast and crew. I personally liked the scene involving the "Ma Mon Luk" and the pre-and post- "Gay Bar" scene as both evoke heated yet sensible dialogues for the viewer to feast upon. With Judy Ann and Angelica at the helm, they never failed to present some comedies of real-life couples in the most outstanding of sense. While the movie has a great start, the movie experienced some flat points especially upon their entry to Taiwan until it reaches a very low ending which seems so typical of a very forgiving Filipino cliche in Filipino movie. The issue I had with this film is its prophesizing of how easy it is to forgive someone for just leaving them easily at the length of their relationship, believe me that is not really easy. Not just days but it takes years for forgiveness to sink in. Still, Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes is a stand-out comedy that brings out the best of Judy Ann, Angelica and Direk Jun Robles Lana who still remains to be my favorite film director. It's worth the watch for the various scenes that explore satire of gay culture, sex and bodily enhancement. By the way, I commend the film for having subtitles that let foreign viewers comprehend what the characters are saying in local language.

#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: Star Cinema Twitter Account

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 24 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

11 January 2018

JR Late Night Blogs: Movies of the Year 2017

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JR's Movies of the Year 2017

Here comes the big one, JR's annual listing of the 10 best movies of the year. From 2010's original list of 20 movies, we lessen it down to just the 10 of JR's highly reviewed, a definitive list of the best indeed of 2017. For the first time, we won't be having any honorable mentions in JR's Movies of the Year list, and such will probably be the case in JR's future releases of this blog. All records or statistics mentioned here stand and continue to date back from JR's very first list.

2017 has been a great year for horror, three of this year's entries are horror flicks and for the first time, we have a horror movie nagging the top spot in JR's annual list. "Get Out" is named as JR's Movie of the Year 2017. A movie that depicts racial relations in America but on a horrific setting, "Get Out" is one of the most highly praised film of the past year making it a possibility of a Best Picture nod in the 2018 Academy Awards. JR loves horror so much and this film is the best so far this modern age has the offer. In fact, "Get Out" is the first original non-sequel film to be ranked at the top spot in JR's list. From all past lists of JR's Movies of the Year, the top spot has always been named towards a sequel movie from a blockbuster franchise or universe (2016: "Captain America Civil War" from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, 2015: "Jurassic World" from the Jurassic Park franchise, 2013: "The Hunger Games Catching Fire" from The Hunger Games franchise, 2012: "Skyfall" from the James Bond franchise, 2011: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" from the Harry Potter franchise, 2010: "Toy Story 3" from the Toy Story franchise). Two other horror movies are in this year list ranked at #3 and #9. Way back 2016, we also have three horror movies in the list making this year a consecutive great year for horror.

Second place goes to La La Land, the failed "Best Picture" winner against "Moonlight". The question is why did JR list the movie only this year. The answer is simple, it got only its wide release in the Philippines last January 2017 despite it being released in the United States on December 2016. All films in this list are based on their wide screening in the Philippines as such is the country of origin of this blog.

Marvel still continues to be in JR's list for the 7th consecutive time with Thor: Ragnarok entering at Top 10. This is the first time, however, since 2010 that Marvel doesn't have an entry within the Top 5 after the past 5 lists had one (2011: Captain America The First Avenger at #5, 2012: The Avengers at #3, 2013: Iron Man 3 at #2, 2015: Avengers Age of Ultron at #5, and 2016: Captain America Civil War at #1) Way back 2010, Marvel has Iron Man 2 at #11.

As 2016 had Captain America as its biggest star, 2017 hails a hero against racism.

Summary of the List:
1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |    10
Intro    |    Methodology    |    Records    |    Data Sources    |    Photo Credits

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  1. All movies have to be watched and reviewed by JR during the year that was 2017. 
  2. The list includes all films released widely on an international scale. Filipino films are NOT anymore entitled to be in this list since they have a list of their own. (Click here to check JR's Filipino Movies of 2017)
  3. The selection of movies must have also been released in the Philippines between 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 regardless if the film was released within the year 2016 in the United States.
  4. No movie re-releases in HD or IMAX were included in the list (such movies had already been premiered in the past).
  • NOTE: All box office numbers are taken from Box Office Mojo as of 08 January 2018.

   10 - Masterpiece
     9 - Excellent
     8 - Awesome
     7 - Alright
     6 - Okay

5 - Mediocre
4 - Boring
3 - Bad
2 - Disappointment
1 - Worthless

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JR's Movies of the Year - 2017
Movies of the Year
Movie Genre Month of PH Release JR's Score
1 Horror Mar 2017 10.0
2 Musical Jan 2017 10.0
3 Horror Sept 2017 10.0
4 Sci-Fi Oct 2017 10.0
5 Animation Nov 2017 10.0
6 Action Jun 2017 10.0
7 Sci-Fi Jul 2017 10.0
8 Fantasy Mar 2017 10.0
9 Horror Aug 2017 10.0
10 Action Nov 2017 9.0

Get back to previous JR Late Night Blogs' Movies of the Year lists:
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Get Out
JR's Score:
Movie Genre: 
Jordan Peele
Jordan Peele
Producers / Distributors: 
MPAA Rating: 
MTRCB Rating: 
Total Running Time: 
1 hours, 43 minutes
Production Budget: 
$4.5 million
Worldwide Box Office: 
Philippine Box Office: 
$108,944 (Php 5,466,374 at $1 = Php 50.18)
Critics Scores: 
84 out of 100, Universal Acclaim (Metacritic)
7.7 / 10 (IMDb)
99% (Rotten Tomatoes)
Cast Overview: 
Daniel Kaluuya, Alison Williams, Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford

"The Real Horrors of the African American Experience "
Who said social issues can't be an amazing source material for a horror movie. Well, Jordan Peele just created one with this horrific masterclass from 2017. Reminiscent and an ode to classic horror flicks, Get Out brings us to a black man's visit towards his white girlfriend's mansion in what appears to be a set-up for him to become the body or host for another elderly white man or woman's mind or brain. Get Out is a plot on the idea of playing God to enforce immortality of humans. With use of symbolism reflective of racial relations towards African Americans in the United States, Get Out is not your ordinary horror movie that banks on scary ghosts or haunted houses but rather on social issues which continue to haunt our society up to this day. Jordan Peele includes this film in a genre called "social thrillers" which he plans to expand in the future. Get Out is hands down the best movie of 2017.

Read JR's Full Review of Get Out:

10 January 2018

JR's Movie Reviews - GET OUT

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Get Out
Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 03 January 2018
JR's Rating: 🔟 (10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
"The Real Horrors of the African American Experience"


➕ Damn Scary
➕ "No, No, No" Scene by Georgina
➕ Hypnotism of Chris
➕ Idea of Brain Transplantation
➕ Use of Black Symbolism
➕ Weird Acting Housekeepers
➕ Nods to Classic Horror Flicks

Get Out made waves in 2017, and as I watched and review this film, all I can do is just applaud in my mind at how amazingly this film tackling racial relations in America was done in the most symbolic sense. "Get Out" is what audiences will root out for the main character in this film due to how sadistic and manipulative the villains are. With what is considered to be the best horror film in this modern era, Get Out explores Chris's stay in his girlfriend's house (The Armitages family) which soon turns out to be a weird outing due to the black housekeepers and horrific due to how the family treats Chris. Chris must have to get out of this residence as soon as possible due to him being the next transplantation victim of the Armitages. Well, I made mention of the word transplantation because this film explores the idea of moving the brain of an elderly man or woman to that of a healthy young person ensuring immortality of the former. Symbolically, with a black person being the host, the movie represents how white people control the minds of the black to be submissive to their dominion or their mindset. Actors in this film really presented their characters in the most outstanding sense with Mrs. Armitage, the deranged hypnotical woman of the household, and Georgina, the weird acting maid, the most notable ones. Georgina's "No, No, No" defined the best scene in this film making you guess why she is crying despite giving an equally laughing statement. The setting, cinematography and directing was a huge boost factor in this film that gives nods to various classic horror flicks which includes the opening scene reminiscent of Halloween, close-up shots from The Silence of the Lambs and the guests that reference Rosemary's Baby. The plot twist is something to look out for as you will never get out of your seats while watching this film. The real horror of this film is not the idea of mind control but rather the issue of racism that still exist up to this day. From comedy to horror real quick, Jordan Peele is a director to look out for in the horror genre. And Get Out is a movie to look out for in the 90th Academy Awards, it remains one of my personal picks as a contender for Best Picture.

#GetOut #Horror
#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: Amazon UK

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 10 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

09 January 2018

JR's Movie Reviews - SIARGAO

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Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 04 January 2018
JR's Rating:  (10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
"Falling In Love With The Majestic Island of Siargao"


➕ The Picturesque Siargao
➕ Amazing Direction and Cinematography
➕ Jericho Rosales
➕ Erich Gonzales
➕ Environmental Advocacy
➕ Surfing in Siargao
➕ Night Life & Places in Siargao
➕ Hugot Lines & Songs

This film made me want to visit Siargao before I die. Siargao is really a place to sought out for, all the more proven by the picturesque scenes complemented with its realistic story from the movie of the same name. Siargao, the movie, brings us to the island of Siargao, referred to the characters as their home, where we engage into two struggling relationships, one coming from Manila and the other a return to Siargao. Erich Gonzales's character represents life from the congested city scape brought up by too much publicity through technology wanting to escape such scene thus going to Siargao but eventually returning home. Jericho Rosales's character represents the same escape to Siargao from his known stature in the city and a try at rekindling a failed love from his home of Siargao. Well, home is of the essence here since that's what this movie is all about. I can't help but feel calm and inspired by how beautiful this movie was made - all-natural and relatable that you really feel the authenticity of all elements, most importantly the acting and environment, in this movie. Siargao feels home, both the movie and island. I can't wait to go to Siargao soon just with how awe-inspiring this movie is. It's even rare that I watch a movie that relies more on its cinematography and directing rather than it's editing, Siargao is all too natural. Amazing masterpiece by Paul Soriano. One of the best I've seen in recent memory.

#Siargao #MetroManilaFilmFestival #MMFF #MMFF2017
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: Philippine Showbiz Republic

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 09 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

08 January 2018

JR's Movie Reviews - ANG PANDAY

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Ang Panday
Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 28 December 2017
JR's Rating:  (6.8 out of 10, Okay)
"Not Bad for Coco Martin's Directorial Debut"

➕ Coco Martin as Panday and Director
➕ Ensemble Cast of Veteran Actors
➕ Ang Kagubatan (Dwarves Scene)
➕ Aura's Coming Out Scene
➕ Introduction Scene
➕ Tondo Brawl Scene
➕ Special Effects and Good Camerawork
➖ Terrible Sound Mixing
➖ Unnecessary Jokes + Fillers
➖ Evident Fake Action Scenes (No Blood)
➖ Jake Cuenca as Lizardo
➖ Mariel de Leon as Flavio's love interest

Though not perfectly crafted, Coco Martin's interpretation, portrayal and direction of Ang Panday is surprisingly good despite him to take the directorial seat for the very first time. For me, it is an action-packed teleserye done in feature length form. Ang Panday executes Carlo J. Caparas's comics of the same name which lets the youngest of the Flavio bloodline fight and ultimately defeat Lizardo, the head of a demonic empire consisting of aswangs and manananggals that threaten the city of Manila. Amazingly, the effects done on this film was done in an almost hollywood-like manner, an achievement indeed in the Filipino use of technical and special effects. Some action scenes, however, seems to be fake due non-usage of blood and observable inconsistencies but Coco Martin's hands-on stunts are a saving grace from such. The introductory scene was already astounding making you really anticipate on what's next to come. The Tondo Brawl scene was action-packed and remains my favorite in this film. The Kagubatan's river was really picturesque and realistic. The dwarves' scene was cute, the healing of Flavio by diwata was also good but Flavio's removal of the sword was the best. Aura's coming out was a symbolical addition in a the film and not a filler that was meaningless. Though the movie has an astounding veteran actors backing it (like Gloria Romero, Jaime Fabregas, Eddie Garcia, Jaclyn Jose, Lito Lapid), the film was not saved by some actors - Jake Cuenca and Mariel de Leon - who seem to have a hard time to portray their characters effectively. The sound mixing in some scenes was terrible as some dialogues can't already be heard and were irritating while watching the scenes. There were a lot of meaningless filler scenes that could have been also removed in the mix. I can't help but praise though the amazing camerawork done in this film that proves Coco Martin's future in directing. Ang Panday remains to be the better choice against some mainstream movies this MMFF season.

#AngPanday #MetroManilaFilmFestival #MMFF #MMFF2017
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: Movie & TV Shows Putlocker

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 08 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

07 January 2018

JR's Movie Reviews - DEADMA WALKING

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Deadma Walking
Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 03 January 2018
JR's Rating:  (9.0 out of 10, Excellent)
"Experiencing Death in Its Best"

➕ Edgar Allan De Guzman
➕ Unwasted Celebrity Cameos
➕ The Many Eulogies
➕ Extravagant Funeral
➕ The Ending Plot Twists
➕ Quotable Lines & Jokes
➕ Eugene Domingo's Au Revoir
➕ "Crying Divas" Musical
➖Seems Similar to Die Beautiful

Welcome to the pinakabonggang lamay ng taon, an experience of comedy and drama that is utmost memorable. Deadma Walking is one of the best comedy films to have spawned from this modern age of the MMFF, a comedy that relies more on satire than by on-the-spot acts or one-liners from those other comedies in this year's MMFF. Deadma Walking explores the eccentric friendship between Mark and John, who both plan an extravagant funeral for the later in pursuit of giving way of his desire to experience his own "death" by seeing before it literally happens. I seem to compare the masterpiece Die Beautiful and this amazing piece for having the elements of death and gay culture both combined effectively to create a movie that is comedic and at the same time dramatic. Deadma Walking, though, deserves all its own praise for its own brand of lines and scenes that are uniquely quotable and relatable. I find the friendship between Mark and John to be eccentric but in the most positively applauding sense. The funerals are wonderfully presented in the film making me want to attend each one. The eulogies by the many celebrities who made their cameo in the film are all worth listening, all the more making you feel for the dying character in the film. My favorite cameo though would have to be Eugene Domingo's symbolic short film adaptation of embracing death incorporated in the film and Carmi Martin's visit during the funeral of John's mother. The incorporation of the Crying Divas musical was also masterfully crafted, a filler that seems so essential to the over-all beauty and impact of the film to its viewers. The movie has so much quotable lines and jokes that are still rumbling in my mind up to this day making me laugh at various times upon remembering them during the day. You'll definitely want to watch out for the plot twists that are at the end of this film because one comes unexpectedly (the admission of Joseph) while the other seems to be anticipated (let's put it this way, something happens to Mark). Edgar Allan De Guzman is definitely stand out in this film, portraying his character masterfully making me think he might be gay. He deserves the Best Supporting Actor award and his character deserves the title "Bestie of the Year". One important lesson I learned from this film, "pwede rin palang soulmates ang magkaibigan."

#DeadmaWalking #MetroManilaFilmFestival #MMFF #MMFF2017
#2018Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews

Image Reference: WhatsHappening.PH

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 07 January 2018 (8:00 PM)

06 January 2018

JR Late Night Blogs: Music Videos of the Year 2017

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JR's Music Videos of the Year - 2016

It has been 7 years since JR released his very first Music Videos of the Year list way back 2010. Down memory lane, JR lists the 20 of the best music videos the year has to offer with 5 honorable mentions being made. In this year's edition of the list, JR restructures the list to have 10 of the best or let's just say JR's definitive music videos for the year but for the first time, JR will not have his honorable mentions included in this blog. However, all records or statistics mentioned continue to date back from JR's very first list.

JR selects on a wide array of music which have their own corresponding videos from the year that was 2017. JR's pick for the top Music Video of the Year 2017 comes from Ed Sheeran's numerous releases for the year. His "Perfect" earned worldwide success just recently but even before that, in the local Philippines, the song was already a huge success dominating the air waves in the country. The second spot goes to this year's winner of the MTV Video Music Awards, "HUMBLE." by Kendrick Lamar. Why #2? While the list is named Music Videos of the Year, JR ranks the music videos based on music (60%) more than video (40%). While HUMBLE.'s video might look better, Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" song complemented by its beautiful narrative video was for JR more striking, meaningful and an emotion-grabber. The top two are greatly of different genres and for the first time even JR lists a hip hop song at a record high of #2. JR is not much of a hip hop fan, so to make it to JR's list, the top 5 even, just means you are special and really one of his favorites for the year. Way back 2011, however, JR lists the first hip hop video within the top 5, "Lighters" by Bad Meets Evil, making Kendrick Lamar second from the genre within the yearly top 5. "HUMBLE." by Kendrick Lamar hits a record high of top 2 for the Hip Hop genre. The question is if we will have a Music Video of the Year that is of Hip Hop or of pure Rap genre in the future. In JR Late Night Blogs' history, only Pop and House (Electronic) genres nagged the highest spot in the list. This year belongs, however, to Ed Sheeran, who continues the Pop genre trend for the top 1 spot, and Dua Lipa who both have two entries in this year's list. JR won't mention any other entries in this introduction. Behold, we start with JR's master listing of the best music videos of 2017. Sorry, no Despacito in this list.

Summary of the List:
1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |    10
Intro    |    Methodology    |   Records    |    Data Sources    |    Photo Credits

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  1. For a music and its corresponding music video to qualify in the list, the music must be meaningful and airwave dominating for the year. It must be a favorite earworm amongst all. The video must be aesthetically beautiful and innovative. (60% Song, 40% Video)
  2. Songs which doesn't have their corresponding music video, however, are disqualified in the selection process. Even lyric videos are not anymore allowed to be in the list.
  3. In order to qualify as a 2017 music video, the music videos in the list must have been released worldwide on YouTube between 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 and must be available in the Philippines for viewing. No local entries, however, are qualified.
  4. To make the selection of entries easier, only music videos with more than 100,000,000 views are qualified to be in the list.
  5. All YouTube views in the list were as of 05 January 2018. All numbers have been rounded up to the nearest millions (to accommodate possible view increase within the day of blog release). 
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JR'S Music Videos of the Year - 2017
Music Videos of the Year
Main Artist Video Release
1 Ed Sheeran November 2017
2 Kendrick Lamar March 2017
3 Dua Lipa July 2017
4 Martin GarrixJanuary 2017
5 Sam Smith September 2017
6 Ed Sheeran January 2017
7 Clean Bandit March 2017
8 Shawn Mendes June 2017
9 Jonas Blue May 2017
10 Taylor Swift August 2017

Get back to previous JR Late Night Blogs' Music Videos of the Year lists:

orange divider
(Ed Sheeran) 
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Weekly Billboard Hot 100 Peak: 
Year-End Billboard Hot 100 Rank: 
Current YouTube Views:
Philippine Hot 100 Peak: 
Video Release Date: 
09 November 2017
Song Genre: 
YouTube Channel: 
Music Video Source: 

"I know I have met an angel in person, she looks perfect
I don't deserve this, you look perfect tonight"

The year 2017 definitely belongs to Ed Sheeran's wide array of future classics that are real-to-life and tearjerkers. Speaking of tearjerkers, Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" is JR's selection as the best the year 2017 has to offer. "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran is definitely perfect - sorry for the pun. The lyrics are descriptive of that special someone we may all have or dream of and that's why it's so memorable. I know that many couples out there remember their special someone because of this song due to how relatable some lyrics are to that same special someone. I attribute it to, of course, that special love I may have found right now. I'll always remember that person because of this song right here. So, I thank you Ed Sheeran for this. For his first time in JR's Music Videos of the Year list, Ed Sheeran debuts at the highest spot there is.

This is the debut entry of Ed Sheeran in JR's Music Videos of the Year list.