Year of Release: 2017
Date Watched: 03 January 2018
JR's Rating:
🔟 (10 out of 10, Masterpiece)
Date Watched: 03 January 2018
JR's Rating:

"The Real Horrors of the African American Experience"
➕ Damn Scary
➕ "No, No, No" Scene by Georgina ➕ Hypnotism of Chris ➕ Idea of Brain Transplantation ➕ Use of Black Symbolism ➕ Weird Acting Housekeepers ➕ Nods to Classic Horror Flicks |
Get Out made waves in 2017, and as I watched and review this film, all I can do is just applaud in my mind at how amazingly this film tackling racial relations in America was done in the most symbolic sense. "Get Out" is what audiences will root out for the main character in this film due to how sadistic and manipulative the villains are. With what is considered to be the best horror film in this modern era, Get Out explores Chris's stay in his girlfriend's house (The Armitages family) which soon turns out to be a weird outing due to the black housekeepers and horrific due to how the family treats Chris. Chris must have to get out of this residence as soon as possible due to him being the next transplantation victim of the Armitages. Well, I made mention of the word transplantation because this film explores the idea of moving the brain of an elderly man or woman to that of a healthy young person ensuring immortality of the former. Symbolically, with a black person being the host, the movie represents how white people control the minds of the black to be submissive to their dominion or their mindset. Actors in this film really presented their characters in the most outstanding sense with Mrs. Armitage, the deranged hypnotical woman of the household, and Georgina, the weird acting maid, the most notable ones. Georgina's "No, No, No" defined the best scene in this film making you guess why she is crying despite giving an equally laughing statement. The setting, cinematography and directing was a huge boost factor in this film that gives nods to various classic horror flicks which includes the opening scene reminiscent of Halloween, close-up shots from The Silence of the Lambs and the guests that reference Rosemary's Baby. The plot twist is something to look out for as you will never get out of your seats while watching this film. The real horror of this film is not the idea of mind control but rather the issue of racism that still exist up to this day. From comedy to horror real quick, Jordan Peele is a director to look out for in the horror genre. And Get Out is a movie to look out for in the 90th Academy Awards, it remains one of my personal picks as a contender for Best Picture.
#GetOut #Horror
#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews
Image Reference: Amazon UK
Time Published: 10 January 2018 (8:00 PM)
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