16 September 2017


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
(Reviewed on PlayStation 3)
Total Game Time: 20-25 hours in total
Dates of Play: 11 January 2013 - 27 January 2013 (PS3)

Story - 9.5/10
Gameplay - 10/10
Graphics - 8.5/10
Innovation - 10/10
Playability - 9/10
Music - 10/10
JR's Rating: 9️⃣ (9.5 out of 10, Excellent)
"The Search for the Lost Golden City of El Dorado"

➕ The Statue of El Dorado
➕ The Majestic Fortress, Monastery and Church
➕ Chapter 1: Ambushed
➕ Chapter 17: The Heart of the Vault
➕ The First True "Video Game Blockbuster"
➖ Chapter 7: Out of the Frying Pan
➖ Chapter 12: Heading Upriver
➖ Navarro

A true achievement in video game visuals and story-telling, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune upped the ante in what is the modern-day video game. It is the epic introduction in one of today’s most popular and iconic video game series. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune introduces us to Nathan Drake, the supposed ancestor of English explorer Sir Francis Drake, on a quest to search for the golden city of El Dorado. Upon his adventure, he gets accompanied by journalist Elena Fisher and mentor Victor Sullivan (“Sully”) going against another group of treasure hunters set to steal the famed treasure. WOW is all that I can say in such a very polished video game with a well-crafted story complemented by visuals I’ve never seen before. In particular, the Fortress, the Monastery and the Church setting and their interiors are the true treasures of this video game, all detailed and visually pleasing. The first chapter of the game sparked the action-adventure mood you’ll soon experience throughout the game (and its sequels). The battle on the monster-like enemies at “The Heart of the Vault” chapter was scary and challenging, marking the true “Uncharted” experience. We have three game difficulties, making for stronger and more brutal enemies. I hated though the chapters involving the jeep and the ski-boat as they are boring and very much frustrating to finish. Gun controls are impeded by the limited positions and its dynamic environment. The end-boss Navarro is also bland, restricting you on only one standard or uniform method to defeat him. The game, however, presents something new to the average gamer. Many scenes prove to be memorable making you wanting for more from Naughty Dog. In all that is to say, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune initiated the “video game blockbuster”.

#Uncharted #DrakesFortune #UnchartedDrakesFortune
#VideoGameReviews #JRVideoGameReviews

Image Reference: The Video Game Gallery

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsVideo Games
Time Published: 16 September 2017 (9:00 PM)

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