23 October 2018


The Haunting Of Hill House
Year of Release: 2018

JR's Rating:  (10 out of 10, Outstanding)

"A House That Feasts On Its Inhabitants"

"The Haunting of Hill House" is so masterfully crafted that I can't help but just applaud and praise it for its innovative take on a horror literary classic. It's rare to see horror on the small screen due to how sensitive some scenes might be for viewers but Netflix provides us an avenue to watch great ones, no holds barred, like this series right here. With a story to binge watch on, the acting, cinematography and some long continuous single shots are just amazing. The scares are clean and well placed that it isn't cheesy but more often shocking, catching you on the most unexpected of times. For this year's Halloween season, I highly recommend watching "The Haunting of Hill House" on Netflix. It's a story where the real killer and villain is a haunted house that just waits to feast upon it's inhabitants. (While watching, try to look out for ghosts hidden at the background of some scenes. It's definitely a treasure hunt while watching this series)


Here are some important points I had on watching "The Haunting Of Hill House":

✅ The Hidden Ghosts
- What you heard online is definitely true. Blink and you would miss many strategically placed ghosts hidden at the backgrounds of various scenes in the series. It's definitely fulfilling when you catch a few while watching.

✅ Superb Acting
- The acting by both child and adult actors for the five Crain siblings just needs a thunderous applause. The acts feel authentic and not forced making the characters easy to relate with especially when their individual storylines are presented.

✅ The Crain Siblings
- The young Crain siblings are just cute especially the twins, Luke and Nell. It feels bad though that they be victims of different forms of horrors and traumas. Their childhood stories, however, are integral as it affects their older selves in the series. While the younger Crain siblings established the backstory, the older ones tell what's really the main storyline of the series. The older siblings revisit their past by confronting the very demon that they encountered many years back. It's the adult Crain siblings working with one another to protect each other.

✅ The Backstory Episodes
- The first five episodes focus on the story, persona and lifestyles of the five Crain siblings. It is a must to watch and understand carefully each episode before you proceed to the last five as dialogues and scenes would always reflect to the first five. The experience was definitely immersive, it's up to you to answer how and why each happened.

✅ Character Diversity
- What I love about the five Crain siblings is how varied their personalities and professions are. Author, embalmer, doctor in psychology, drug addict, and a widow are just how diverse the five siblings are. It was also worth the notice and appreciation how the series integrated same sex love and mixed racial marriage on their story line. The chemistry between the characters and actors was just perfect.

✅ The Bent-Neck Lady
- While I also liked the grandma and the old man ghosts, if there's one ghost I'll never forget from this series, it would definitely be the "Bent-Neck Lady" who's mystery was very well thought. My jaw just dropped by the surprise of who that ghost really was. Emphasis on jaw dropping.

✅ The Red Room
- he Red Room concept is another jaw dropper. You'll have to watch continuously until the final two episodes to know about the Red Room. The second to the last gives you a peek inside but the last gives the idea of how important that room really is. It's a room that has it's own mind, a room ready to suck your soul.

✅ Eternal Love
- Neglect all horror and you're left with the love story between Olivia and Hugh which is worth an emulation at present. They are the very definition of Romeo and Juliet, but in the horror genre. It's a relief from all the tension and fear you felt from going through each episode of the series.

✅ Continuous Shot
- Episode 6 stood out for it's use of continuous long shots. I'm filled with awe by how much effort it took scenes in that episode to make it look appear in just one take. Actors and cameras moving, I can't just imagine how sets and pieces were placed and removed while scenes are being shot continuously; one mistake would mean retaking an entire scene. It's really amazing how the scenes were taken by the director.

✅ The Hill House
- Finally, the Hill House is that reason you'll have to watch this series. The house was well designed. Each room just have it's own vibe that you'll have to feel while watching. The ghosts may make the house haunted but the atmosphere made me also think the house is alive. It is not just a production set but also a living character in its own right. The house for me is the true star. Believe me when I say, the house feasts anyone alive.

With 10 good reasons to watch and no reasons not to watch,
"The Haunting of Hill House" is a 10/10 for me.

#TheHauntingOfHillHouse #Netflix #Horror
#2018Series #TVReviews #JRTVReviews

Watched on: Netflix (19-21 October 2018)

Image Reference: Internet Movie Database

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 23 October 2018 (8:00 PM)

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