16 July 2017


War for the Planet of the Apes
JR's Rating:  (10 out of 10Masterpiece)
"All Hail Caesar! Morality At Its Finest"

➕ Caesar
➕ Biblical and Historical References
➕ The Escape
➕ Recap Introduction
➕ "Food And Water"
➕ Cherry Blossom Scene

War for the Planet of the Apes is a fitting end to the glorious story of Caesar. With astounding effects, symbolic scenes and a memorable story, War for the Planet of the Apes is probably the best out of the different films the franchise has ever spawned in cinema. War for the Planet of the Apes, the third in the Planet of the Apes reboot, brings us to a symbolic war of humans versus apes at the brink of the possible extinction of one specie. Caesar fights to avenge his smart ape specie and the death of his wife and son. The introduction gave us a poetic glimpse of what the prequels were about. I already felt those goosebumps by that beginning alone. The movie is really symbolic reflecting man's colonial efforts towards a minority. The film effectively uses historical references especially with those that transpired in the two World Wars - the Colonel clearly a representation of an Egyptian or Hitler-like army. I also like the biblical referencing Moses ending which started with the escape of enslaved apes, it was truly a heartbreaking one; one of the best endings I seen in movie. The death of Caesar in itself is tragic but open doors on what would be next for the franchise. Two scenes in the movie in particular are memorable, the ones involving the child specifically where she was under a cherry blossom and the other when she gave food and water to a suffering Caesar. The movie has many morality issues that are presented symbolically and masterfully. Consistent from beginning to the end, I just can't control those goosebumps I felt. A true achievement this year, War for the Planet of the Apes is, alongside Wonder Woman, one of the best films this year in the US blockbuster summer movie season. A fitting way to almost end the summer movie season as well as a 2018 Oscar Contender.

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#2017Movies #MovieReviews #JRMovieReviews #OscarContender

Image Reference: Trailer Addict

^JR Late Night Posts - JR Late Night ReviewsMovies
Time Published: 09 July 2017 (9:00 PM)

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