15 May 2019

JR's TV Reviews - GAME OF THRONES, Season 2

Game of Thrones, Season 2
Year of Release: 2012

JR's Rating:  (9.6 out of 10, Impressive)

"Ours Is The Fury"

"How can a man be brave if he's afraid? That is the only time a man can be brave."
- Robb Stark to Talisa

The real game of thrones has started when four men and one woman is ought for the Iron Throne. When alliances are supposed to be made, the choice is either to fulfill or neglect. When promises are meant to be said, the choice is either to make or break. Stannis Baratheon is known to have a heavy hand losing almost none of his battles. Renly Baratheon a more righteous ruler yet with a homosexual proclivity wants ascendence despite not being in accordance to the rule of succession. Robb Stark seeks vengeance for his father's death whilst saving his two sisters and also the cessation of the North from the Kingdom. Daenerys Targaryen, with her dragons, seems to be a virtuous one but is far to the throne and yet to find a way back to Westeros. And ultimately, the one who is with power, Joffrey Baratheon or better yet a product of incestous Lannisters is proving unfit of a king by making hesitant decisions and leaving an army at war. When everyone is at war, will they come prepared for a bigger threat, the threat of an undead army residing beyond the wall.


Here are 5 of my most memorable moments and 3 of the most standout
from the second season of Game of Thrones:

✅ War at Blackwater Bay
- If there's one war to watch out in Season 2, it's the war Stannis wages against the Lannisters to ultimately get the Iron Throne. When Stannis has numerous ships and men to ransack King's Landing, he would come unprepared for the wildfire that was intentionally designed as a trap. Stannis's men would prove to be a strong foe against Joffrey's men but Tyrion's direction would be a key factor to win such a battle in the end. The surprise appearance of Tywin and his men would fully defeat Stannis's army making Stannis retreat. This is just one of the wars played in the Game of Thrones but far from the intense ones we would witness later on.

✅ Harrenhal
- Arya escaped King's Landing with men supposed to be sent to the Night's Watch. She would later be captured with Gendry to Harrenhal, a fortress that is said to be controlled by the Lannisters. It was a literal hell where people are tortured for some truth about the "Brotherhood." It would be a saving place for Arya, however, as it would be another opportunity for her to know more about Tywin and his plans and for her also owning an assassin for her current enemies. According to lore, Harrenhal was a fortress built to withstand any war within Westeros but would not be able to handle the fire of dragons by the Targaryens. By the present standards of Westeros, however, it is a treasure where any lord can own the fortress for his benefit.

✅ Pyke, The Iron Islands
- One of the beauty of the intro of Game of Thrones is that we see areas to be explored in the particular episode. Pyke was shown to rise up with the bridges connecting one tower to another. The Physics there alone is mesmerizing. Anyways, we get to see the Iron Islands for the first time when Theon Greyjoy was supposed to ask his father for men to help Robb in their battle against the Lannisters. Unfortunately, he would soon found out that his father is more fond of his sister whom he flirted with earlier. Theon would soon be having his internal conflict of his own choosing either loyalty to those who care for him or those who has the same blood as him.

✅ Qarth
- Much like King's Landing, Qarth is land full of gold and glory to anyone who resides. It's rich, vast in resources just what Daenerys and the Dothraki's needed at a point of starvation and weakness. This is also an opportunity for Daenerys to get a boat to reach Westeros to fulfill her desire for the throne. Much of Daenerys story in this season happens at Qarth where she would soon learn that people aren't just who they seem they are.

✅ First Sight at the Army of the Dead
- While it was brief, the moment when Sam sees the White Walkers and the dead at large is truly jawdropping. The truth is there is an enemy needed more preparation than anyone, an undead army who has no known motivation but is in reality a threat to everyone. As they say, can't kill what's already dead.

➕Michelle Fairly (Catelyn Stark)
- Imagine having a husband beheaded, one of her daughters being held captive by an enemy family, another missing, one of her sons lame while the other is waging war, that is the mother Catelyn Stark is destined while everyone is playing the game of thrones. Her softhearted demeanor would play at odds with her but you know deep inside she is a strong woman who is just but playing the role of a loving mother.

➕ Richard Madden (Robb Stark)
- Nothing left but the company of his mother, Robb Stark is to lead the army of Northerners that believe in the leadership of his father. While his father has proved to be honourable, Robb is challenged to be one. With the pressure of the people who believe in him, he is forced to make decisions that would either make or break for him, decisions that would make people like or hate him, decisions that might cause the downfall of his army or the legacy of his family name. It would be a hard battle against his demons as he would love against what was decided beforehand and he will create a bitter dispute against his own remaining family at the moment, Catelyn.

➕Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark)
- The toxicity of a relationship is evident when one seems to submit himself or herself to the unstable other. Sansa Stark struggled to compose herself against a very violent Joffrey Baratheon, her soon to be husband. Sansa was forced to see his father's head placed on a spike and at another she would be tortured in front of an audience by the future king as a show of power. Imagine all the things she has to endure to eventually lead her to who she would be in the upcoming seasons. The saddest part was despite enduring everything she would be left awry by a more beautiful Margaery Tyrell.

Given the chance to rate this season of Game of Thrones,
I'll give it an impressive 9.6/10.

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#2012Series #TVReviews #JRTVReviews

Image Reference: IGN

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Time Published: 15 May 2019 (8:30 PM)

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